Join Us! Gary Parker's WHY - 3pm PST Wednesday, February 19th
What is Gary Parker's WHY?
I met Gary Parker over five years ago, and one of the first things he asked me was, "Do you know your why?"
I chuckled and replied, "My Y? Well, sure—I go to the Y in my neighborhood."
He shook his head. "Not that Y."
Simon Sinek defines a Why as “the compelling higher purpose that inspires us and acts as the source of all we do.”
Which brings us to the real question: What is Gary Parker’s Why?
Why does he run the best barbecue restaurant in Pierce County—some say in the country—yet use it as a platform to give back to the very community he calls home? What fuels his generosity?
Join us, and let’s hear the answer together.
Jennifer Norene
- BBQ2U Marketing
#interview #barbecuebbq #garyparker
#BBQ2U #Barbeque #WhatisyourWHY